Leadership Group Guide - July 2024
Leadership Thought:
As leaders, we are responsible for shepherding people to take their next steps in faith. A pivotal step is to lead people into serving, which is an essential part of the life of a disciple and growing in leadership. Serving is more than just fulfilling tasks, it's a way to grow in leadership, character, and spirituality. We are called to serve just as Jesus served us.
“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” (John 13:14-15 NIV)
Here’s how serving can effectively develop others:
Activating Gifts and Talents: Serving is an opportunity to discover how we are made and how God can use us. Whether playing an instrument, driving a shuttle, or teaching in Kid's Church, we grow spiritually as we contribute to God’s kingdom. We learn best by doing and often uncover other spiritual gifts and talents we didn’t realize we had.
Building Relationships: The church is not just a building; it is the people. Serving helps develop relationships within the larger faith community and strengthens our connection to the church family. Research indicates that people get planted in a church once they have 5-7 relational connections. Working together to accomplish a mission fosters camaraderie and strengthens our bond.
Living Beyond Ourselves: Making a difference begins with serving. It is a practical way to shift our focus from ourselves to others. As we serve, we cultivate a sense of ownership in the church while creating an environment for people to encounter God. The teams that serve have an essential role in the growth of the congregation and its impact on people.
Leading Like Jesus
Jesus modeled servant leadership by showing us that true leadership is about lifting others up. He washed the disciples’ feet and taught that the greatest leaders are those who serve, emphasizing that no task is beyond anyone. We are never more like Jesus than when we serve others. Therefore, serving helps us to become more like Jesus.
Practical Steps to Serve.
Encourage group members to join a Serve Team that interests them.
Start by committing to serve once a month to establish a regular rhythm.
Small groups can also serve together on a team.
As leaders, we must remember that when we invite people to serve, we are not asking them to fill a need, we are inviting them to become more like Christ and to contribute to His mission to the world. Let’s fulfill God’s call to love and serve others while also fostering a culture of compassion and generosity within Pearlside Church. Together, we can make a lasting impact in our community and beyond.
For more information about the different Serve Teams we have at Pearlside, head to pearlside.org/nextstep/serveteam
What stood out to you from the topic of serving? How has serving helped you develop your leadership?
In what areas of your life is God calling you to step outside your comfort zone to serve more effectively?
What struggles do you have when it comes to asking others to serve? What do you think needs to change in your perspective for you to overcome this challenge?
How do you plan on walking your small group into serving? Share ideas and creative ways that have helped in the past.
Pray for each other's needs.
Pray for the person(s) you are raising in leadership.
Pray for the multiplication of new leaders and groups at Pearlside who are devoted to sharing the Gospel, making disciples, and raising new leaders.
Discipleship Track:
Main Campus Discipleship Track, August 3, 17, 24, 31, and September 7 from 9:00 am - 11:00 am in Classroom 1 at Main Campus.
Freedom Weekend:
Main Campus Women’s Freedom Weekend, Saturday, July 13, 2024, from 9:00 am - 3:30 pm in the Hub 1 at Main Campus.
Main Campus Men’s Freedom Weekend, Saturday, July 20, from 9:00 am - 2:30 pm in Classroom 1 at Main Campus.
Downtown Men’s Freedom Weekend, Saturday, October 5, from 9:00 am - 2:30 pm in the Hub at Main Campus.
In partnership with the Blood Bank of Hawaii, Pearlside's Main Campus lobby will turn into a blood receiving center on Saturday, July 20 from 7:00 am - 3:00 pm. With every pint of blood donated, 3 lives could be saved. To make an appointment, visit pearlside.org/cares. We are hoping to have 80 appointments filled to save as many lives as possible!
September 14, 2024 - All Leaders Summit
If you have any questions or concerns, please email smallgroups@pearlside.org.