Leadership Group Guide - August 2023
Small group life progresses through seasons. It is helpful to know what season your group is in to lead and navigate properly.
1. GATHERING: The initial phase of the group where the tripod is established and consistent relational discipleship begins.
Establish the core or tripod.
Choose a location that best facilitates focused discussion and outreach.
Begin meeting weekly to go over the Small Group Discussion Guide for relational discipleship.
Develop a list of unreached friends/family members and begin praying over them and making connections.
2. REACHING: Once the group is established, group members should begin reaching out to others through relational evangelism.
Begin intentionally reaching out to seekers, former attendees, and attendees not yet in a Small Group.
Encourage one another to practice relational evangelism.
Plan monthly “outreach” gatherings to include the seekers that individuals are reaching out to.
Once seekers are open, members can utilize discipleship tools for one-to-one evangelism/discipleship (One to One Book, Purpose Driven Life, & Purple Book).
When they are ready, invite them to the group.
3. ESTABLISHING: As new believers join the group, they need to be established in the faith with biblical foundations.
Ensure that each new believer has been established through one-to-one discipleship resources as appropriate (One to One, Purpose Driven Life, Purple Book).
Ensure that each new believer has been through Pearlside’s Discipleship Classes.
Grow through relational discipleship in weekly small groups using the SGDG, one-to-one discipleship, and by attending our foundations classes. (Growth Track, Freedom Weekend, Discipleship Track)
4. REPRODUCING: As the group grows, preparations must be made to reproduce and multiply. Groups that don’t multiply will get “stuck.”
Groups begin reproducing by “clustering,” starting “extensions,” or “planting” a new small group.
Step One: Clustering
Break the group up into smaller “clusters” of 3-5 people led by the members of the tripod Clustering maintains the relational connection between group members, but divides the group into smaller circles for greater relational connection and deeper processing.
Step Two: Extensions and Plants
As clusters gain traction, they can move to different locations/times to best suit the group’s needs. This is called an “extension group” or “planting” a new group. This “cutting of the umbilical cord” is necessary for the new facilitator to grow in their faith and leadership and to feel empowered. The new group can then develop a new tripod multiplying more leaders.
An “extension” group is a group that moves to another time/location from the original group but does not have an established tripod. It is still under the leadership coverage of the original group.
A group “plant” happens when the new group moves time/locations from the original group and has a fully functional tripod. It is no longer under the original group’s leadership coverage.
Discussion Questions & Application:
What season do you feel most reflects your group right now? What practical steps can you apply in this season?
What challenges are you facing as a leader? Take time to pray for one another over these areas of challenge.
All Small Group Leaders Summit | September 9, 2023
We are so grateful for what you do as Small Group Leaders. We won’t be the church we are today if not for your commitment to partner with us in expanding God’s Kingdom. That’s why we want to celebrate with all of our Small Group Leaders at our next All Small Group Leaders Summit. Don’t forget to RSVP through the email that was sent to you. We hope to see you there!
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If you have any questions or concerns, please email smallgroups@pearlside.org.