We see in Acts 1 that Jesus personally reconnected with His disciples for 40 days after the resurrection and spoke to them about the Kingdom of God. They asked if Jesus was going to restore God’s Kingdom on earth at that time. Jesus responds by revealing two things: 1) He told them that only His Father knows the date when His Kingdom would be restored. 2) The disciples will receive power from the Holy Spirit to preach the Gospel around the world.
“He said to them: ‘It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’” (Acts 1:7-8)
Immediately after saying this, Jesus was taken up into heaven and the disciples were now aware of the command — to be witnesses, to share the Gospel, and to make disciples in Jerusalem (where they were), in Judea and Samaria (beyond where they were), and ultimately to the ends of the earth.
This command requires “courageous faith” because persecution, physical harm, imprisonment, and even death could follow. Courageous faith is necessary to overcome the Enemy who wants to halt the spread of the Gospel. Because the disciples obeyed, the Church grew exponentially throughout the world.
As we emerge and converge out of the pandemic, we must also live with courageous faith. We must live out the command to make disciples in our homes, workplaces, schools, and communities despite the challenges and/or persecution we may face along the way. There are still so many people who are struggling to find hope, and we have the answer in Jesus Christ.
We were made for such a time as this, to share the Gospel and make disciples locally, nationally, and globally just as the original disciples did. This is the vision of God for His Church. As leaders, we must lead and live with “courageous faith,” and encourage those whom we lead to do so as well.
Discussion Questions:
What stands out to you from the Leadership Guide this month? What are some challenges that you face in sharing the Gospel and making disciples in your world? How can you overcome them?
How can you encourage and empower your Small Group members to share the Gospel and make disciples where they are currently at (family, work, school) despite challenges that they may face?
What are some ways you can continue to help your Small Group members live beyond themselves by serving the needs of others, the next generation, and our communities?
Prayer Points:
Pray that every member of our church would live with “courageous faith” and boldly share the Gospel and make disciples.
Pray that we would experience a revival in our middle school, high school, and college campus ministries.
Pray that all churches locally, nationally, and globally would experience a harvest of salvations and discipleship amongst new believers.
Zoom Reimbursement
As the state slowly begins to reopen, we will be extending our Zoom “Pro Package” subscription reimbursements until the end of August. If you have already received your August receipt, kindly email them directly to info@pearlside.org. As we continue to move forward in faith and emerge out of this pandemic, let’s continue to encourage our groups to meet in person. Thank you, leaders, for continuing to shepherd your people well during this time.
Discipleship Track
Wednesdays, September 1-22 | Pearlside Main Campus
Over the course of four weeks, you will gain a deeper understanding of the gospel which will transform your life, equip you for ministry in the church, and for influence in the world. For more information and to register, go to pearlside.org/classes.
Freedom Weekend
(Men’s) Saturday, Sept. 4 & (Women’s) Saturday, Sept. 18 | Pearlside Main Campus
A powerful class designed to allow God to speak His truth to us, draw closer to us, and transform us in a powerful way. The goal of this class is to help us arise out of our sin and its effects, into a new life of freedom and victory. For more information and to register, go to pearlside.org/classes.
- Must belong to a Small Group and attend regularly.
- Must have completed the One2One Book with a leader.