Leadership Group Guide - April 2024
Our Easter celebrations were a success, with nearly 6,500 attendees across all congregations! We dedicated time to prayer, sent out invitations, and encouraged our loved ones to join us. Now that Easter is finished, what do we do? For Jesus Easter wasn’t an ending, but a beginning. After the resurrection, Jesus was busy following up with people revealing that He was alive for a period of 40 days. For us, it's time to shift our focus to the critical follow-up and follow-through of our guests.
Thinking Ahead: Next Steps
Bringing someone to service is just the beginning of their journey of discipleship. While we celebrate their attendance, the real work of follow-up begins now as we connect over coffee or lunch to reflect on their experience. Ask about their thoughts, what resonated with them, and their beliefs. Then, based on how open they are, we can prayerfully consider the next steps to keep their faith journey moving forward.
Green Light: Really Interested
Consider using discipleship resources like Purpose Driven Life (ideal for newcomers to faith) or One-to-One (suited for those with some awareness of faith) for deeper discussions on life and faith.
Aim to establish regular meetings using these resources as a foundation for connection and growth.
Connect those who are genuinely interested to a Small Group or walk them into the Growth Track class.
Yellow Light: Somewhat Interested
Encourage continued attendance at church with you as a next step to allow their faith to grow through the Word.
Continue to engage in consistent relationships and conversations about life and faith.
Look for opportunities to pray for them to connect them to God and His power.
Red Light: Not Interested
Maintain connection and continue praying for those resistant to Jesus or hesitant to commit to church.
Nurture the relationship and demonstrate God's love, believing that consistent connection can soften their hearts over time.
Everyone's Journey Is Different.
Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to discipleship. Each person is at a unique stage in their journey, requiring personalized guidance and support. Regardless of where they are, there's always a next step, so continue to walk alongside them every step of the way and pray for them that God will open their hearts.
Have you had a chance to follow up with those who attended Easter? If so, how did it go?
What is the next step for the person you’re following up with?
How are we as leaders going to lead those in our small group to follow up with those they’ve invited?
As we welcome new people to our services, it's crucial for our leaders to engage with them both before and after the service. If you see someone unfamiliar, take the initiative to introduce yourself. This not only provides an opportunity to connect but also contributes to creating a welcoming atmosphere where newcomers feel valued and appreciated. Remember, if they’re new to you, they might be new.
Pray for wisdom and discernment as we reach out to and follow up with individuals who attended Easter service, asking God to guide us in the next steps for each person's spiritual journey.
Pray for open hearts and receptive spirits among those we connect with— that they may be responsive to God's prompting and eager to explore their faith further.
Pray for protection against spiritual attacks and discouragement. Ask God to strengthen our resolve and keep us focused on Him as we continue to serve and support others in their faith journeys.
All Leaders Summit | Saturday, April 27, 2024
We are so grateful for what you do as Small Group Leaders and Coaches. We wouldn’t be the church we are today if not for your commitment to partner with us in expanding God’s Kingdom.
Please register now if you haven’t responded to the email invitation.
Every Nation School of Empowerment & Every Nation Schools of Healing
Pearlside Church will be holding the Schools of Empowerment from Monday, May 20, 2024 - Friday, May 24, 2024. This will be open to all of our Small Group Leaders. We encourage you to prayerfully consider being a part of this school. Registration will be open until April 16, 2024.
The School of Empowerment (SOE) teaches about the person and power of God through the Holy Spirit. This program gives students authority over their spiritual gifts with theological and historical backgrounds. May 20-22, 2024 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM.
The School of Healing (SOH), part of the Schools of Empowerment, is focused on equipping you with healing the human soul through the word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. This school is designed to help you as a pastor, campus missionary, or local church leader deal with the patterns of sin and pain that have proved resistant to change in the lives of those whom you are discipling. The school, which is divided into four sections, includes both classroom instruction along with practical, hands-on exercises. May 23-24, 2024 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM.
Come and be fully immersed in God’s transformational presence at the Schools of Empowerment. You will be challenged, inspired, equipped, and changed further into the likeness of Jesus and empowered to be a witness to the majesty, power, glory, and goodness of God in every sphere of society!